
Immigration –

Mass non white immigration MUST be brought to an immediate end. What we are seeing is the planned GENOCIDE of White European Australians via demographic replacement, this cannot be tolerated. Once NSM Australia is in government we will not only end mass non white immigration, but we will begin MASS DEPORTATIONS as well to address the demographic concerns. At federation in 1901 our leaders saw fit to institute as the first law, the WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY. A modern version of this policy shall be implemented, not out of hate for others, but in order to protect our white european majority population and therefore the NATION.

You NEVER hear anyone say “Africa is too black it needs diversity”, or “Asia is too asian, it needs diversity”, or “Israel is too Jewish, it needs diversity”. That is because mass non white immigration into western nations is being used as tool of GENOCIDE.

Cost of Living / Housing Crisis –

The cost of living / housing crisis is out of control and the major parties have not only failed to address it, but have DELIBERATELY CAUSED IT. Its basic economics, SUPPLY AND DEMAND. The demand for housing has been artificially inflated due to mass immigration, whilst successive governments for DECADES have deliberately restricted the amount of available land to build homes on. With massive demand and low supply, this has pushed housing (the greatest cost to any family) to un-affordable levels never seen in our nations history. This is an absurd situation considering our country has the LOWEST DENSITY of people of any continent on earth excluding Antarctica, land in Australia SHOULD BE CHEAP as it is super abundant. We will address the demand issue by ENDING mass immigration permanently, and the SUPPLY issue in two ways, firstly via freeing up homes as a result of MASS DEPORTATIONS, and then via ending the practice of deliberately restricting the land to build upon. Australia should be building NEW CITIES and growing regional cities.

Birth Rates –

Birthrates in Australia are at all time lows and well below the required replacement rate. This is in big part due to the outrageous cost of housing and living in general. By addressing the housing/cost of living crisis and making housing affordable again, this will no doubt increase birthrates. We also intend to give tax breaks and incentives to families with 3 or more children, designed to drive up the birthrate.


Once NSM is in government, the approximate 100,000 Jews living within Australia are to be declared a “Threat to national security” because of their disproportionate and negative influence on the nation as a group, and shall immediately have their assests seized, citizenship revoked, and then deported. Below are just SOME of the reasons for this stance, the TIP of the iceberg. If we were to list them all, we would need an entire website for that alone.

Keir Starmer UK Prime Minister
Admission of Demographic Replacement / White Genocide

The fact that prominent JEWS themselves admit to LEADING the agenda to genocide White Europeans in our own nations via demographic replacement / mass immigration, is more than enough reason to declare ALL JEWS living among us as a “Threat to national security” and deport them permanently, whilst also putting in place laws to NEVER allow them to return to Australia.

Let us be clear, this is not about racially vilifying Jews as a group. It is about acknowledging the blatantly obvious based on the overwhelming evidence. Tough conversations need to be had, and radical changes made. If not, the genocide of white europeans in Australia is all but assured, as is the destruction of our nation.

Monetary Policy –

Once NSM Australia is in government, we intend to dismantle the Reserve Bank of Australia and OUTLAW usury on money creation via creating a new nationalized reserve bank and currency that is no longer FIAT and instead backed by the nations labor and natural resources. Usury on the creation of a nations currency creates DEBT SLAVERY, as the interest charged on the creation of each dollar means that you can NEVER pay the debt off entirely.

We know that our stance on monetary policy and the dismantling of the fiat currency and current reserve bank makes our leadership targets for assassination, we DO NOT CARE. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. These great men of history were 100% right on their stance. We will do what is right for Australia and our people, no matter the personal cost.


Like our predecessors, we view freemasonry as an extension of international organized jewry. A secretive elitist organisation which is part of a larger conspiracy involving not just Jews, but also communists and various racial and religious traitors. As a group, freemasonry poses a significant threat to our nation and our peoples long term security and existence. Therefore Freemasonry must also be declared a “Threat to national security” and outlawed, then dismantled entirely.

There have been countless books written on the Jewish influence within freemasonry, and how it has been used to subvert nations, topple monarchies, start revolutions etc etc. Below is one of the best of them, and a quote from it

“Wars and revolutions are the harvests of the Jew.”
― Leon de Poncins, Freemasonry & Judaism: The Secret Powers Behind Revolution

Adolf HItlers War on Freemasonry